T.I.がGucciのブラックフェイスセーターを擁護したフロイド・メイウェザーに向けたディス曲“F**k N***a”をリリース

先日、Gucciが発売したセーターが古くから黒人を差別する表現として用いられてきた「ブラックフェイス」に酷似していたことが問題となった。ヒップホップシーンにも騒動は波及し、「あれは差別じゃない」として擁護したKodak Blackや「Gucciはサポートしないが“Gucci Gang”は歌い続ける」と宣言したLil Pumpなど様々なリアクションが見られたが、トラップの草分けであるT.I.はこのセーターに対し一貫して怒りを表明。そんな中、彼がこのセーターを巡ってプロボクサーのフロイド・メイウェザーをディスしたことが話題となっている。

当初から「ブラックフェイス」セーターを発表したGucciの不買運動を呼びかけていたT.I.。ヒップホップシーンからは他にもSoulja BoyやYoung Thug、Russel SimonsなどがGucciに対する抗議を行っていた。

@gucci As a 7 figure/yr customer & long time supporter of your brand I must say...Y’all GOT US fucked UP!!! APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED!!!! We ain’t going for this “oops my bad I didn’t mean to be racist and disrespectful towards your people” shit!!! Y’all knew wtf y’all was doin and WE AINT GOING FOR IT!!! We ALL GOTTA Stop buying,wearing,and supporting this piece of shit company And ALL PIECE OF SHIT COMPANIES UNTIL THEY LEARN TO RESPECT OUR DOLLARS & VALUE OUR BUSINESS!!!! Our culture RUNS THIS SHIT!!! We (People of color) spend $1.25 TRILLION/year (but are the least respected and the least included)and if we stop buying ANYTHING they MUST correct any and ALL of our concerns. That’s THE ONLY WAY we can get some RESPECT PUT ON OUR NAME!!!! I Don’t Give a Fuck if I gotta wear Target brand shit.... #FuckGucci

TIPさん(@troubleman31)がシェアした投稿 -

I spent many years in the fashion industry i helped redefine it ..we created a billion dollar grossing company with phat farm and baby phat I’m proud to say that i helped some hip hop entrepreneurs and their companies follow suit like Rocawear Apple bottom and many others i found them their partners and mentored them during their launches One day Macy’s began buying all of our top brands We thought that was a breakthrough or a “good sign” (Being accepted by our oppressor who hated and looked down on us ) Then they discounted us all and intentionally killed all the black businesses that we fed ... thousands of shops ...billions of gross dollars going to the independent (mostly black) shop owners There were thousands of young black and white kids in fashion looking up to Damon John, Sean John, Kimora and all of the young black designers white kids where buying our brands causing an even greater threat , they were all studying THEIR fashion and building hundreds of companies that were distributed by the mostly independent shop owners that were in biz because of us and supporting us long before Macys bought and discounted the top 15 designers.. IT WAS INTENTIONAL DELIBERATE AND INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE THEY KILLED THAT FASHION REVOLUTION .. i grew up and i lost a taste for clothes that were basically cheap to make but too expensive for my brothers ...but they were defining me as a SMALL man needing a “status symbol” i realized that it was embarrassing to wear them and my community members couldn’t afford to look as stupid as i did ...... When are we gonna wake up take off the horrible DEAD ANIMAL shit and the shiny crap and realize where the true shine lives Let’s instead focus on the things that serve our community and really bring us happiness Fuxk the fashion industry and the elitist backwards and hurtful mentality that it represents When you wake up and realize that it’s not what’s on u but it’s what’s in you that defines you ... you will let go of a sickness that separates you from your brothers and sisters ...and ultimately separates you from Gods Grace

Russell Simmonsさん(@unclerush)がシェアした投稿 -

そのような動きを他所にメイウェザーはビバリーヒルズのGucciでショッピングを行なっている場面を目撃されている。その際TMZの取材に対し「不買運動には参加しない。俺は俺のやりたいことをやる」「あいつらが俺に腹を立てるって?最高だよ。それはそれであって、俺は自分自身のために生きてる。やりたいことをやるんだ」と回答。T.I.がこれに黙っているはずもなく、すぐさまディス曲“Fuck Nigga”をリリースした。

















ついにその日が来てしまうのだろうか。先日発表されたアメリカレコード協会(RIAA)の2017年末の収入報告でもデジタルダウンロードの売り上げが2011年以来6年ぶりにCDやアナログレコードなどの売り上げよりも少なくなったと発表されたが、ちょうどそのタイミングでApple Musicの重役のJimmy Iovineが、iTunesストアの音楽ダウンロードが、終了する見込みであることをBBCの取材に対して認めている。