


Another mafia/mob show reference from Supreme is S/S '14 "Flamingo" button up shirt pictured left. The right images are from the pilot episode of "The Sopranos." For those unfamiliar, Sopranos aired from '99-'07 and revolved around Tony Soprano, a mob member balancing two types of family-immediate and mafia. Supremes had there hand at Sopranos before (box logo tee) but little do people know many pieces seen in the series are referenced by Supreme, and often. The Flamingo button up is a clear reference-with the black collar and almost exact same print- Supreme however did not make a pink colorway, possibly to stray away from the expected. If any Sopranos fans know of other pieces Supreme has referenced, feel free to send screenshots, I know there is some more.

Supremeさん(@supreme_copies)が投稿した写真 -


The "Fuck" denim jacket and shorts released in SS '13 have a simple typeface font similar to a typewriters (also, the font featured on Supreme's website). Supreme loves repeating patterns and words alike on all pieces. Most however aren't aware of the left image-found in the 2000 book titled "(un)fashion" a book by Tibor and Maira Kalman that documents global fashion from everyday people, all around the world. I'm not quite sure what brand the original "Fuck" pants are, and I'm also unsure on when they released. They have an undeniable punk rock influence, so circa late '70s or '80s is a good assumption (if you have any more info on them, DM me) I'm also not sure if Supreme saw the book or the piece itself. However, the inspiration is clear.

Supremeさん(@supreme_copies)が投稿した写真 -





Now, this may seem like a stretch to some, and if I'm wrong I'm wrong and feel free to correct me if you have better evidence for this sweater. Below is a screenshot from the 1973 Bruce Lee film "Way of the Dragon." Above, of course the "Cherry" sweater from FW '14. Now I know, Cherry is the title of Supreme's skate video, they made the Cherry "Thanks For The Memory" hat in 2010, Supreme seems to enjoy the theme of Cherries. I'm just saying, it's possible any designer from Supreme could have been watching this film (IDK, maybe when they were gathering ideas for the Bruce Lee collaboration, which featured multiple photos from his films) and the idea sprung. Not saying it's a very obvious reference by any means, but definitely could have spurred the idea.

Supremeさん(@supreme_copies)が投稿した写真 -




Stone IslandとSupremeの2023-24年秋冬コラボコレクション

これまでもコラボレーションを重ねてきたStone IslandとSupremeが2023-24年秋冬の最新コレクションを発表した。

Tyler, The CreatorがInstagramの新しいレイアウトを「このアップデートは馬鹿げている」と批判

我々の生活にとって欠かせないものであるSNSは、しばしばアップデートによってUIやレイアウトを大きく変化させることがある。先日Instagramがアップデートされ様々な機能の配置が入れ替わり賛否両論を呼んだが、Tyler, The Creatorは今回のアップデートを気に入っていないようだ。


ストリートウェアブランドのトップを走るSupremeは、これまでVansやNikeの様なスニーカー小売業者からLouis VuittonやJean Paul Gaulthierといった高級ブランドまで数多くの有名ブランドとコラボしている。そんな中、昨年8月にシューズブランドであるBirkenstockがSupremeとのコラボの辞退を発表したことが話題となったが、今回、BirkenstockのCEOがその一件の詳細な理由について語った。


NYのSupremeファンを恐怖に陥れるThe Apeとは?!




