
世界の現実の風景から『グランド・ブダペスト・ホテル』や『犬ヶ島』で知られるウェス・ アンダーソン監督の映画に出てきそうな場所をセレクトし投稿するInstagramアカウント@AccidentallyWesAndersonが書籍化、DU BOOKSから発売される。

@AccidentallyWesAndersonとは、ウェス・アンダーソンの映画に出てきそうな場所の写真をたまたま(Accidentally)目にした、 ニューヨークのブルックリン在中のワリー・コーヴァルが、妻と自分のために旅行に行きたい場所のリストを作り始めたことが きっかけで生まれたコミュニティ。

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Happy Monday, Adventurers 👋 We are only 15 days away from our Book being on its way to your doorstep 📚🚪(Presale link in bio 🥰🎉) • Today we are providing a little sneak peek from @AndrewAfram - an unsung hero if you ask me 🦸‍♂️ Andrew’s feed is fantastic - like seriously take 2 seconds to give a solid scroll back, it just gets better & better 📸😍 • We are so very honored to have his photo of Kew Palace included among the 200+ that make up our first Printed Collection 🤗 and we hope you enjoy a little taste of the story that we share alongside it ❤️ - - - Kew Palace London, England c. 1631 • “Kew Palace is the smallest of all the British royal palaces, located in the natural expanse of Kew Gardens, just upriver from London on the banks of the Thames. Originally a mansion for wealthy London silk merchants, in the 1720s George II and Queen Caroline arrived with their children and took leases on the palace, as well as several other small properties in its vicinity.” • “In some way, the very atmosphere of the palace itself tells the powerful story of George III (1738–1820), who used Kew as a refuge when he went “mad” - a claim that has been repeatedly disputed and supported, ever since the monarch’s death.” • “George loved his garden, much of which was designed by renowned landscape architect Capability Brown, who was responsible for over 170 of the finest gardens in Britain (his real name was Lancelot, but he received his nickname because he told clients that their property had “capability” for improvement). The gardens were cultivated more wildly than was customary, and were viewed as an idyllic pleasure ground. But the wildlife on display went beyond mere fauna.” • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #Symmetrical #Archigram #AccidentalWesAnderson #WesAnderson #ig_architecture #PrettyCityLondon #VisitBritan #KewPalace #LondonTrip #Londonist #TravelMore #VisitUK #England🇬🇧

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____________________ Reyniskirkja Church Vik, Iceland c.1929 • In the remote seafront village of Vik, the Reyniskirkja Church stands among the desolate and dazzling landscape of Iceland’s southern coast. Surrounded by an astonishing environment of cliffs, glaciers, and volcano, the Church is situated on a hill and overlooks the small coastal community • An ancient village, Vik’s origins date back to the 9th century, and stories of drowned seamen and murderous trolls fill its folklore. According to legend, two trolls once kidnapped a man’s wife in the middle of the night and left her frozen to death. When the man found her, her spirit had found peace among the rocks and sea of Reynisfjara, and he warned the trolls never to kill anyone again • Over the centuries, Vik continued to operate as a small seaside settlement, but it wasn’t until 1890 that traders permanently settled there. Residents sold flour, salt, sugar, and produce and eventually five grocery stores and two slaughterhouses were opened. In 1929, the Church was built and solidified Vik’s status as a community • With its red roof and wooden frame, the Reyniskirkja Church is a classic example of an Icelandic church. The red roof is a common feature of churches found in Iceland’s countryside and its wooden framework is simple yet sturdy architecture that has stood since its construction in the early 20th century • Vik is directly south of Mýrdalsjökull glacier, which sits atop the Katla volcano. The volcano last erupted in 1918, and if an eruption were to occur, it could melt enough of the glacier to trigger a flash flood and decimate the town. Reyniskirkja Church is just high enough on its hill that it would be the only building to survive a flash flood. As such, villagers are instructed to rush to the church at the first sign of an eruption • Know more? Please comment below! • 📸: @sandragmz ✍️: @kelly.murray 📰: @wikipedia + aksholidays.co + iceland24blog.com + extremeiceland.is • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #Symmetrical #Archigram #AccidentalWesAnderson #WesAnderson #Pursuewhatislovely #Vik #IcelandTravel #VisitIceland #Reyniskirkja #Iceland🇮🇸

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____________________ Hungarian Parliament Building Budapest, Hungary c. 1902 • A failed insurrection, a subsequent military dictatorship, and an eventual compromise between the Kingdoms of Hungary and Austria all led to the creation of the Hungarian Parliament Building. After decades of political turmoil, Hungary restored a sense of sovereignty and in 1880, the Diet proposed building a new parliament building in commemoration • Through much of the 19th century, Hungary was the center of a territorial conflict between the ruling House of Habsburg, young Austrian monarch Franz Joseph I, and native Hungarians known as Magyars who sought independence from the overarching monarchies. What resulted was the Austria-Hungary Empire, a dual monarchy which ruled the region until WW1 • The empire’s capital was born in 1873 when three cities -- Buda, Óbuda, and Pest -- merged into one, creating Budapest. Seven years later, talks of a new parliament building began. The Diet held a design competition and selected the plans of architect Imre Steindl, who would later go blind and pass away before the building’s completion, never getting to see his work come to fruition • After 19 years of construction, the Parliament Building was complete. Over that period of time, a team of 10,000 people were involved in its construction which required 40 million bricks, a half a million precious stones, and 88 lbs of gold. Influenced by London’s House of Parliament, the building is designed in the Gothic Revival style and faces the Danube River • Political crises on a national and international scale continued to pervade Hungary well after the construction of the Parliament Building. The Building has endured two World Wars, uprisings, and another revolution over the last century, and today is still used by the National Assembly of Hungary • Know more? Please comment below! • 📸: @tatc.o ✍️: @kelly.murray 📰: @wikipedia + @theculturetrip • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #Archigram #AccidentalWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vscotravel #TravelMore #Pursuewhatislovely #VisitBudapest #ig_budapest #Budapestagram #Thisisbudapest #BudapestHungary #Hungary🇭🇺

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Accidentally Wes Anderson

ワリー・コーヴァル[編] ウェス・アンダーソン [序文] 樋口武志 [訳]

ISBN : 978-4-86647-131-0  




発行元 : DU BOOKS

発売元 : 株式会社ディスクユニオン


日本の女性ラッパーに光を当てた初の書籍『わたしはラップをやることに決めた フィメールラッパー批評原論』が刊行

日本の女性ラッパーに光を当てた史上初の書籍『わたしはラップをやることに決めた フィメールラッパー批評原論』がDU BOOKSより刊行される。

ウェス・アンダーソン監督の最新作『フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊』が2022年に日本公開

ウェス・アンダーソン監督の待望の最新作『THE FRENCH DISPATCH OF THE LIBERTY, KANSAS EVENING SUN』(原題)が、邦題『フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊』として、2022年に日本公開されることが決定。併せて日本ポスタービジュアルも解禁となった。

「ダンスミュージック」以外の踊れる音楽を紹介するディスクガイド『ポスト ハウス・ミュージック 世界の「踊れる」レコード600 』 が発売

いわゆる「ダンス・ミュージック」以外から、世界中で見つけた踊れる音楽を紹介するディスクガイド『ポスト ハウス・ミュージック 世界の「踊れる」レコード600 』 がDU BOOKSより7月9日に発売される。






