Summer Walkerがツアー後の引退をほのめかす
“Girls Need Love”のヒットを皮切りに、先日リリースされたデビューアルバム『Over It』ではBeyonceの『Lemonade』が保持していた記録を打ち破るなど文字通り人気アーティストの仲間入りを果たしたSummer Walker。しかし、そんな彼女が『Over It』のツアー後に引退することをほのめかした。
na fr though I’ve decided y’all don’t deserve me lol I knew from day one I was to real for this shit. y’all can have the music & ima just head out. fuck the interviews, photo shoots, videos, & really the shows too. I’ll finish this tour out tho. I’m just a regular person, nothing more. lol people got this fame shit fucked up. I been me from day one, I’m not bout to start acting different, talking different, treating people different, or looking different. people really expect too much from you. Everyday / everything isn’t a miss America bad bitch contest, & I don’t feel the need to put others down to stay relevant. people really just DISCONNECTED.... hiding behind these apps, these filters, the clothes, the makeup, the hair lol a lot of y’all need to step back & get into yourselves.. from a different perspective. take the same amount of time that you normally do to prepare/improve your physical but apply it to your spirit & become COMFORTABLE with the real you, whoever that may be as long as your not hurting anyone. That same amount of time you take to chase the “bag” try putting that same amount of energy into patience, acceptance, understanding, self awareness, self love but I know no one gives a shit about what I’m saying so yeah. peace love & light
Summer Walker(@summerwalker)がシェアした投稿 -
ちなみに、Summer Walkerは以前には自身の不安障害を明かしている。NPRの人気企画『Tiny Desk Concert』に出演した際に彼女は「見て、私はこの場に居られてとても興奮しているのだけど、私はクソみたいな不安障害なの」と述べており、さらに「私はむちゃくちゃ緊張していて汗をかいているけど、これは私にとってとても刺激的。私はいつもこの番組を観てた」とかなり緊張していることを明かしていた。