ComplexによるとDrakeはビートルズのアルバム『Abby Road』のジャケットを模したタトゥーを腕に彫っており、交差点を歩くビートルズの4人を自身が先導するイラストとなっている。これはチャート上の記録でビートルズを超えたことの記念に入れたものだと思われるが、そのタトゥーがビートルズファンの間で批判の対象となったようだ。
Drake has a tattoo of himself in front of the Beatles on his arm. “I got more slaps than the Beatles...” pic.twitter.com/krzzFSF2Mj
— Word On Road (@WordOnRd) August 9, 2019
the beatles did what they did in 7 years (drake has been in the game 11 years) with no social media advertising and STILL have a lasting impact on the music industry 56 years later.. let’s see what drake is in 56 years. but despite that, this is so cocky and childish. https://t.co/0jBi0ncdDw
— ♱ (@ilibabeee) August 10, 2019
does drake not understand that the Beatles LEGIT had no social media and still did what they did? do you know how hard it was to break through back then and gain international recognition. Annoying ass https://t.co/QjpvNN4oFY
— tal (@bohemianIou) August 11, 2019
Drake’s mansion is a whole palace. pic.twitter.com/jKHcze5NcH
— ki (@tsunamikira) August 6, 2019