【インタビュー】A$AP P on the Boards | Pのみんなで団結しなきゃ

5/20に東京・渋谷のWWWとWWW Xで開催されたイベント『Diagonal』にNYからA$AP P on the Boardsが出演していた。ビートメイカーでA$AP Mobのメンバーとしても知られている彼はMobのヒット曲"Bath Salt"のプロデューサーとしても知られている。

ではなぜ彼が『Diagonal』に出演していたのだろうかと疑問に思ったファンもいるかもしれない?その謎が解けたのはPUNPEEのアルバム『MODERN TIMES』がリリースされたときだった。P on the Boardsは6曲目の"Scenario"にビートを提供していたのだ。

FNMNLでは来日時に行っていたP on the Boardsへのインタビューを日本語と英語で同時公開。彼は好きだという手羽先を食べながら、恩人であるA$AP YamsやNYのヒップホップシーンの問題点などを語ってくれた。

取材・構成 : 和田哲郎

通訳 : 渡辺志保

撮影 : 横山純

取材協力 : 平林 "REN" 錬

- 最近はよくLNDN DRGSと一緒にやってますよね。今はG-Funkっぽいムードなんですか?

A$AP P on the Boards - おれがやっているのはG-Funkじゃなくて、P-Funkだ。真似する奴もいるけど、これはおれのオリジナルサウンドだよ。新しいジャンルだ。ウェッサイのサウンドを聴き始めたのはA$AP Yamsの影響だね。Yamsにスタジオに呼ばれたときに、当時のスワッグ・ラップとかリーン・ラップとか特定のジャンルのものは、作りたくなかったんだ。それでオリジナルのスタイルを追求していくようになったよ。あとはワックス(=加工大麻の一種)に誘発されて出来たね。

- Yamsの影響力の大きさって、日本だと伝わりづらいんですが、どういうところが彼はすごかったのでしょうか?

A$AP P on the Boards - Yamsは自分にとって神みたいな存在だね。先生的な存在でもあり、親友でもあり、自分を救ってくれたよ。彼の存在が頭の中から離れることはないね。彼が亡くなって、悪い意味でA$AP Mobには変化があったね。彼のアンテナの高さは凄かったよ、A$AP MobはNYにいるけど、いち早くサウスのPeeWee Longwayとか、Hoodrich Pablo Juanを見つけてきたし、西海岸からJoey Fattsを見つけてきたのもYamsのおかげだよ。おれたちは常に自分で色んなアーティストに注意を払ってYamborgini Universeを維持しなきゃいけないんだ。彼の言ったすべてのことに影響力があったよ。Yamsはラップもしないしビートも作らないけど、センスと頭脳がずば抜けていたんだ。だからみんな彼を慕っていた。彼は『ニンジャ・タートルズ』だと、スプリンターで、『スター・ウォーズ』だとヨーダなんだ、導いてくれるんだよ。Yamsは無名だったLil Uzi VertやPlayboi Cartiを見つけてきたから、彼がいない今はおれもそういうことをしなきゃいけないと思っている。Chief Keefがあれだけ成功したのも、彼をブランディングしてくれる誰かがいたからだし、若いアーティストに親身になりたいっていうのはYamsの影響が大きいね。


- A$AP P on the Boardsの名前を知ったのは、”Bath Salt”でした。あのトラックはどのようにできたのですか?

A$AP P on the Boards - いいサンプルがないかなと思って、RaekwonかGhostface Killahのアルバムを聴いてたんだ。多分Ghostfaceからだ。おれはDrakeよりも前にWu-Tangをサンプルで使ってるからね。それでサンプリングして、北のビートと南のビートを一緒にしたかったんだ。ダサいビートじゃなくて、クールなやつだよ。最初はNYっぽいビートだったんだけど、サウスっぽくするために808を足したんだ。そのあとにアンティー(=A$AP Ant)がバースを乗せて、ちょうどFlastbush Zombiesが"Thug Waffle"を出して、ブレイクしたから、彼らは友達だし、このコラボで曲を作ったら面白そうかなと思ってできたのが"Bath Salt"なんだ。あの曲のおかげで、ここにいれると思うから、あの曲にはマジ感謝だよ。

- 普段のトラック作りもサンプリングからすることが多いですか?

A$AP P on the Boards - 最近はそんなにサンプリングしてないね。なぜかっていうと"Bath Salt"はミックステープのための曲だから全然いいんだけど、サンプリングは権利問題があるからそれを今は気にしてるんだよね。ぶっちゃけサンプリングした曲の方がヒットするかもしれないけど、アルバムとかだと0から作った方が出版権もちゃんと自分に100%くるからね。だから今はトラック作るときはPCとキーボードの前に座って、自分で作ってるね、サンプリングはヒップホップの基礎だから、今もサンプリングのビートは気にしてるけどね。今やポップシンガーでさえヒップホップのビートで歌ってる時代だから、ヒップホップが全てを凌駕してるよね。よく言われるのはヒップホップが持つネガティブな影響、キッズに悪い影響を与えるとかすごい言われてるよね。けどラップ自体が悪い影響があるわけじゃないよ。Futureは"Mask Off"でモリーとパーコセットと言ってるけど、それは彼の日常を歌ってるだけなんだから、非難するのは間違ってるし、分からない人はそれでいいと思う。ヒップホップはいつだってキラキラ輝いているべきだと思うし、時間がかかってもそこにたどり着くべきだね。"Bath Salt"で100万人のリスナーがついた、そのうちの1000人しかちゃんと理解してなくても、それでいいとおれは思う。ヒップホップでもラップでも呼び方はなんでもいいけどね、雑音とかゴミとか言う人もいるけど、音楽なんだから、そう捉えるのが大事だよ。

- いまのNYのラップのシーンはどう見えていますか?

A$AP P on the Boards - なにも言えないね。今のシーンはリスペクトできないよ。最先端にいる人たちがイケてないんだ。カルチャーとかじゃなくて、誰かと知り合いだから偉いとか、誰々の知り合いだからのし上がれるみたいになってるし、NYのラップラジオ局は本当に強力で、ラジオのパーソナリティーがラッパーより有名だし、権力を持っているんだ。大人が談合してかける曲を決めるんだ。本当にストリートで流行ってるものはかからないよ。ヒップホップのアーティストはラジオよりもSoundCloudの方で知れることの方が多いよ。おれらも携帯でこの曲が流行ってるよねとか情報を回していくけど、ラジオのお偉いさんはわからないんだ。ファックザラジオ。


- Joey Bada$$もHot97に出演したときに、NYのラジオはイケてないって言ってましたね。

A$AP P on the Boards - 彼は完璧に正しいよ。Bada$$が言うってことは、NYのアーティストはみんなそう思ってるってことだよ。A$AP Rockyもかからないし、Joey Bada$$もかからないなら、なにがかかるんですか?って話だよ。

- ちょっと質問を変えて、これまでセッションをしたラッパーで一番ドープだったラッパーは誰ですか?

A$AP P on the Boards - 一緒にやったラッパーはみんなだよ。ダサいやつとはやらないね。10億円積まれたらダサい曲も作るけど、そんなことはなくて、グレートなやつとしか一緒にやらない。いま注目しているアーティストはKaytranada。Pharrellとコラボした曲を聴かせてもらったらヤバかったよ。あとは一緒に曲をやってる$ha Hefも。あとはMaxo KreamとかJoyce Wriceとも曲をやってるよ。ビートメイカーだと影響を受けたのはAlchemistだよ。あとはClams CasinoとかZaytoven。Zaytovenは天才だね。彼が曲作りに10分以上かけないのは本当だよ、Gucci Maneがめちゃくちゃせっかちなんだ。

- P on the Boardsさんは、ビートを作るのにどれくらいかかりますか?

A$AP P on the Boards - 1時間で5個のビートのアイディアは出てくるね。自分の脳みそがそうやってくれるよ。今日はこういう曲を作ってやろうとかは思わなくて、その時の気分を曲にしてるんだ。おれのその時の気分を知りたかったら曲を聴いたらわかるね。元々漫画を描いてたんだけど、性に合わなくて無理で、ラップを始めたんだ。ラップは上手いんだけど、そこそこレベルで、それでビートを作り始めたら当たったんだ。最初はお父さんが買ってくれたカシオの安いキーボードで、Youtubeで使い方を見て、そのあとはRihannaの"Unfaithful"を耳コピしてたね。別にコードを習ったわけじゃなくて、全部自己流。サンプリングネタがなくてもキーボードさえあれば、なんとかなるね。いまは1人でトラックを作るのは簡単すぎて、アーティストとかとコラボしてトラックを作っていくのが楽しい。一緒にやるアーティストのフィーリングに合わせて曲を作っていくのがいいね。P on the Boardsという名前が全てを表してるね。


- Ab-Soulとも一緒にセッションをして曲を作ったんですよね。

A$AP P on the Boards - おれはその時婚約者といたんだ。おれが振る舞おうと思って、照り焼きチキンを作ったんだ。Ab-Soulは8時にくる予定だったんだけど、遅れて12時に来たんだ。そこから曲を作ったんだけど、その間Ab-Soulは皿を拭いてくれたよ。ラッパーとビートメイカーには信頼関係が絶対必要だよ、Ab-Soulとおれも信頼しあってるからこそ曲が作れる。大体ラッパーはプロデューサーを信用しないけど、でもそれがうまくいけばいい曲ができる。彼は大げさな言葉を使わないで、自分の言葉でラップして、すごいクールだし、謙虚な人だね。また一緒に作りたいね。

- 東京はどうですか?

A$AP P on the Boards - 色んな期待があったけど、全てがそれを超えてきてるよ。手羽先が最高だよ。あと日本人のDJで2013年にA$AP P on the Boards Mixを作ってくれたDJがいるんだ。名前を忘れちゃったんだけど。

- 日本のPが曲を使う予定なんですよね。

A$AP P on the Boards - 彼のシャウトが欲しいよ、あとあのPって書いてあるTシャツも!Pって名前がつくやつとは一緒にやりたいよ、Puff Daddyも、Pharrellはクールだけど、名前がかぶるんだ。Pのみんなで団結しなきゃ。

- 他に日本人アーティストで知っている人はいますか?

A$AP P on the Boards - ラッパーはわからないけど、シンガーは知ってるよ。宇多田だ。あと『ナルト』の主題歌ね、ガンダムも好きだよ。お台場のガンダム見たかったんだよね。



A$AP P on the Boards




- So, now you are doing with LNDN DRGS, is it a taste with a G-Funk and taste with little bit west side?

A$AP P on the Boards - You called it G-funk. But we called it P-funk. its because his twist on that sound. Since Jay Worthy, LNDN DRGS came out, theres been people taking that sound. G-funk is "Gangster Funk", P-funk is a new word.

- What inspired you?

A$AP P on the Boards - First probably was the Yams. Thats how I met Worthy. 4 years ago, we only had 1 song. Yams were like "come to the studio". So I come, I hear this. It was a gangster rapping on these disco beats. It was not like swag rap, it's not corny, not lean rap. What I want to say is, I don't want to make the same music someone makes. And wax. Concentrated THC. Mother nature.


- How do you describe Yams?

A$AP P on the Boards - Yams is my god. That's my savior. Thats my mentor. That's my ears. That's my best friend. He is my inner conscience.

- Any changes in A$AP Mob after Yams passed away?

A$AP P on the Boards - Unfortunately of course. Everything that he has done, was so ahead of time that now his stuff still services. The impact is still lasting. At the same time, as much "cool" things he brought to the world, he was saying "no, this isn't cool". He was a dictator of cool. He was a dictator of music. Whether you want to say Southern artists, PeeWee longway, Hoodrich Pablo Juan. Or you want to go to West coast, Joey Fatts... and even the East coast with the success of Mobs. Anywhere he went. So, it's like in the fact that now he is not around, we have to pay attention. It is like saying we went to Yamborghini Universe. Because all the words he said, actually had  an effect. We don't have anyone in the back. He didn't rap, he didn't make beats. All he had was a brain. But that brain makes this iPhone a transformer. Anything. He is Master Splinter from Ninja Turtles. He is Yoda. He is all of those guys. You look up for guidance, and be like "He is not around! what am I gonna do!". If it wasn't for Yams, there would not be no Lil Uzi. There won't be no Lil Yachty, there won't be no Playboi Carti. We help user the new generation of artists. Not to take away from Chief Keef's success, but once we were branding, Chief Keef was like, any thing that we would brand would become instant and become "it". I felt like we helped usher that new sound for those little kids. At least we made the door open for those kids.

- How did you make "Bath salt"?

A$AP P on the Boards - I was looking for samples. And I'm lazy when i'm looking for samples. I remember I downloaded Raekwon album or Ghostface album. That's where the samples originally came... No, it was Ghostface Killa. I was listening to the album for samples, I heard a song and I was like "Wow I should look into old Wu-Tang samples". It was before the Drake's song. Before "Wu-Tang Forever" came out. I was saying, how can I make a South beat and North beat together. The original beat, at first it didn't sound like Southern. Than I added 808. It came together. At the same time Addie just started to rap. Than the Flastbush Zombies were just coming too. They released "Thug Waffle". And those were really good friend of mine. I like there voices. So I was like, "me him and those 2 guys, what is it gonna sound like?". The song came out so fire. It still gets conformed till today, so thank god.

- When you make beats, do you often look for samples?

A$AP P on the Boards - Before. But recently I try to not sample as much. Just cause legal nonsense behind the samples. "Bath Salt" was a mixtape record, so we weren't thinking about profit money. Now, we can't think like that. Because a mixtape record might be big as an album record, so I'm trying to do no samples. So I can have 100% publicity. The whole thing is, I used to sample so much, I used to be like "man, how do they make this music". And I usually just sit there with my keys, and play stuff that sound like samples. That's what I've done mostly. It's back and forth because sampling is hiphop, at the end of the day. You can't stop that. Or make a techno?.

- Definition of Hip Hop is not stable.

A$AP P on the Boards - Hip hop doesn't has a general thing. Hip Hop, Rap, what ever you want to call. They are both same thing for me. It's a big genre in the world. You cant tell me the last time you heard a new rock group. Pop, rarely. But when pop singers are singing over trap beats, it let's you know that we hit the culture pretty hard. It's music at the end of the day. I heard people call rap, noise or garbage, and it influences kids to do terrible stuffs... no, i don't wanna hear it. The negative stigma of rap. Even though we got Future on the radio singing about molly percocets, he is basically talking about every pill in America, even with that, he is still reaching the audiences. Honestly, that's what matters. Now, the fact that the rap that we really want to shine, is not shining. But, understand that it takes time. I might not have a million listers listening to my shit, but that thousand listers that are riding on my shit, I love you guys. I will keep making it for you guys.

- How do you describe the recent NY rap scene?

A$AP P on the Boards - I can't. I can't respect it. The people on the forefront that are shining, can't defend the village, musically. It's not about what you know, it's about who you know. The people in the NY radio, the radio personalities, are more famous than the rappers. So, why would they put on a little rapper. They don't care about it. They only care about money. They don't care about culture, or supporting, they don't care about none of that stuffs. So, honestly I can't respect it. There are dudes that did not have a radio spin there whole life, but played on soundcloud. So people can listen to these NY artists, why can't NY listen to NY artists. Westside Gunn, never played on the NY radio. They don't even say thing about him. Are you crazy? Eminem just signed them. He is from NY, and if Eminem signed a man like that, why would they not put on the radio. He represents NY. That's just one of ten zillion examples. The A$AP Twelvyy song last being broke, not one radio spin. It's NY radio, old people. They don't know. You could listen to the streets, if a song pops up on your radar, and your friend and calls to one of the other friend... it's gonna pop up. It doesn't have to be at 3 million view. It could be at 100 thousand or even 30 thousands. But they don't care about none of that. They care that "people are gonna call me to request it, that's money for the radio" that's what they only care about. Fuck the radio.


- Joey Bada$$ also said NY radio is not cool when he was on HOT97.

A$AP P on the Boards - He is completely right. I completely agree with him. Just how he feels, every NY feels the same. And it is not upset that, we are not on the radio. Because Joey Bada$$ commercially does well. Rocky does well. NY artists who don't get NY radio play, does well. So, we don't need radio. HOT97 is a legendary radio station in rap.

- Who do you think is the most dope rapper, you worked with?

A$AP P on the Boards - All of them. Honestly. I haven't made a billion dollars, or no one gave me a baby monkey to work with a terrible person. Thank god, every one I worked with, are friends and great people. I feel like they are all awsome. And the very small group of people I work with. Those are the greatest. I want to set up a tour, I want to call it "Beyond the Universe" Tour. Every rapper I did a project with, I want to bring them on tour.

- Tell us some good rappers or producers.

A$AP P on the Boards - Kaytranada, he got a whole project with pharrell. $ha Hef, I got a project with him. Lil Uzi and also Maxo Kream and Joyce Wrice. It's hard to pick good producers... a lot of people's music sounds the same. It's hard to listen to one producer. I'll tell you Alchemist, Clams Casino. And Zaytoven, he was a genius when he had short hair.

- Zaytoven said he doesn't spend more than 10min to write one song.

A$AP P on the Boards - No he doesn't. Gucci Mane is not patient. Gucci Mane be like "hurry up! hurry up!"

- How long do you take to finish one beat.

A$AP P on the Boards - I could make 5 beat ideas in an hour. It's not me. It's my brain. I used to draw everyday. I used to draw Dragonball Z. But I stopped drawing because, I wasn't gonna get girls for that. So, I was like "I'm gonna start rapping." But I wasn't a good rapper. I started making beats. It doesn't take long for me to make a beat, because I don't consider my self as a beatmaker. I consider my self as an artist/musician, because that's how I look at. You could listen to my beat, and tell how I felt that day. My beats are my emotion. I'm not like "I need to make a hard song." No, I make what I want to make.

- How did you learn beat making.

A$AP P on the Boards - My dad bought me a cheap CASIO keyboard. But it didn't connect to computer. I went to youtube, first song I learned how to play was Rihanna's "Unfaithful". I taught my self. When I couldn't find samples, I thought every sound I hear comes out from the keyboard, and I should play around with music. And the most important thing is that I wanted to do it. Now, it's so easy to sit down and make beats. It's too easy. So I don't like making beats by my self. I like making beats with other artists. You walk in, I will ask how you feel today, and make a beat for you. The name "P on the Boards" explain everything.


- You also collaborated with Ab-Soul.

A$AP P on the Boards - Yes. Me and my fiancé was on a date, in our house. We were cooking and I was making a chicken teriyaki. Ab-Soul was supposed to come at 8, He came at 12. He waited until I wash my dishes, and after that we made that song. Most personal interaction creates the best work. You know the person, and the person knows you. You know how far you want to take him. A lot of rappers don't trust producers. Ab-soul doesn't use big ass words. He is super cool, humble. Nothing to say. One thing I want to say is, we need to make more song together.

- How is it being in Tokyo?

A$AP P on the Boards - Better than what I was expecting. You guys love rap. In the state, it is about "the song of the week" or what's viral. And I want to appreciate a DJ from here in 2013, he made a BEST from P on the Boards mixtape. I got to find him. I want to see the Gundam and temples. And eat Tebasaki.

- The Japanese rapper PUNPEE. The Japanese "P" is going to use your track.

A$AP P on the Boards - I seen his shirt! It says "Mother Fuckin P" on his merch shirt. I need that. He is a legend. Every one who starts with P, I'm supportive. puff daddy, P. Diddy... I don't like Pharrell because he is called "P on the Board" when he skates. But he is cool. Every one who starts with P. We have to stick together.

-Any Japanese rapper you know?

A$AP P on the Boards - Honestly, I know more singers than rappers. Utada, and and musics from NARUTO.


A$AP P on the Boards





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