FNMNL (フェノメナル)

Waka Flockaが自身をJay-ZやNasと同等の存在であると言ったことに対しPete Rockが批判

Waka Flocka

ヒップホップの世代間の論争は常に起こっているが、若手ではなく中堅ラッパーのWaka FlockaとレジェンドPete Rockの間で巻き起こっている。

これはWaka Flockaがあるインタビューで、自身が今の若手にとってJay-ZやNasといったレジェンドと同じ存在であると語ったことがきっかけとなった。Wakaは「おれはラップはうまくないが、おれの世代にとってはおれの存在感は彼らみたいにリアルだ」と語った。

それに対し激怒したのが90年代から活躍を続けるPete Rockだ。

Im gonna defend my older heads and tell you your not equal. Be as disrespectful as you want. Your not doing what we did,havent accomplished what we accomplished. Our generation didnt experiment with pills or syrup or anything synthetic. Its already written in history. Rock n Roll hall of fame,hip hop hall of fame and museums. Where are you at in any of that? The problem is yall never had respect from the jump. WE ARE THE REASON YOUR WHO YOU ARE AND DO WHATEVER IT IS YOUR DOING! Pay homage to who was before you. Problem is also yall want us to accept music that dont move nothing but the young,when you making music its to inspire everyone not just your era. Only time my pockets on pause is when im streaming yall album. I listen to it and made a decision not to buy yo shit cuz in my opinion being a music maker,there is no substance to the music or lyrics so dont get mad cuz you not cut from the cloth of hip hop pioneers. Lets see how long you can last in this business doing what you doing. You been quiet until you startED running your mouth about old school niccas. Thats corny bro. Just make better music and spit like an MC. Yeah yall different but nothing of what nas krs kane jay z or any official rapper has ever taught you. We saying something about your generation cuz your simply not making heart & soul felt music young nicca! The old head rant is corny. Old heads are special ? and i just think yall cant do what we did. ??‍♂️ Salute! @wakaflocka

Pete Rockさん(@realpeterock)がシェアした投稿 -

Pete RockはInstagramでWaka Flockaの写真を投稿し、キャプションで怒りを見せている。Pete Rockは「おれは古い仲間たちを守ろうと思う。お前は彼らとはイコールではないと言ってやる。お前はおれたちが達成したことをできていない」とWakaの発言を一蹴した。



「Pete Rockの投稿はダサいし、お呼びじゃない。追い出してやる」と息巻いている。

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