FNMNL (フェノメナル)

アトランタで大麻所持の罪を軽くする法案が可決 | 2chainzやKiller Mikeなど同市出身のラッパーたちの反応


LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 19: Dave Warden, a bud tender at Private Organic Therapy (P.O.T.), a non-profit co-operative medical marijuana dispensary, displays various types of marijuana available to patients on October 19, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. Attorney General Eric Holder announced new guidelines today for federal prosecutors in states where the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is allowed under state law. Federal prosecutors will no longer trump the state with raids on the southern California dispensaries as they had been doing, but Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley recently began a crackdown campaign that will include raids against the facilities. Cooley maintains that virtually all marijuana dispensaries are in violation of the law because they profit from their product. The city of LA has been slow to come to agreement on how to regulate its 800 to 1,000 dispensaries. Californians voted to allow sick people with referrals from doctors to consume cannabis with the passage of state ballot Proposition 215 in 1996 and a total of 14 states now allow the medicinal use of marijuana. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)



今回この法案を議会に提出した市長のKwanza Hallが、可決されたことについて声明を発表。Hall市長はこの法案によって、アトランタ市内の人種格差が無くなると主張した。アトランタ市民のうちアフリカ系米国人は54%であるが、大麻所持で逮捕された人のうち92%がアフリカ系米国人の黒人。これは変えなければいけないことだとHall市長は語る。



?? @kwanzahall !!!! Mannnn this will save so many young people from bullshit charges that later haunt them

2 Chainz Aka Tity Boiさん(@hairweavekiller)がシェアした投稿 -


#Atliens ? @kwanzahall

Big Boiさん(@therealbigboi)がシェアした投稿 -

Killer Mikeは可決を喜び、黒人の未来と自由を気にかけてくれた上院議員と市長に感謝を述べる。

合法化されたわけではないが、1oz以内の所持であれば懲役刑では無くなったアトランタ市。先月末Young Thugはアトランタ市で大麻所持で逮捕されている。

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