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Chance The Rapperの弟で、ラッパーのTaylor Bennettがアルバム『Restoration Of An American Idol』をリリース

「自分はバイセクシャルだ」とカミングアウトしたChance The Rapperの弟で、ラッパーのTaylor Bennettがアルバム『Restoration Of An American Idol』をSoundCloudで公開した。

兄のChance The Rapperがグラミー賞三冠というスターダムにあがるのを横目に、彼は1月の誕生日の前日に「俺の誕生日は明日(1/20)なんだけど、来年はもっと自分をさらけ出して、同じ問題を抱えているひとを助けたいと思ってる」というツイート。「俺は自分がバイセクシャルの男性だと認めるよ。そして、2017年もゲイコミュニティーを公にサポートし続けていくよ」と、Taylorは自らの性についての告白し、LGBTコミュニティと自分がともにあることを世間に表明した。

それから1ヶ月が過ぎ、ついにTaylor Bennettはファースト・アルバムをリリース。Chance The RapperとJeremih、Mike Will MadeItなどのフィーチャリングも彼を強力にサポートしている。

It’s been a long few months for Taylor Bennett. On the intro to his new album Restoration Of An American Idol, which is premiering on The FADER today, he reflects on the impact of that grind: “My shoulders got broader/ My music got smarter/ I’m working like this shit is a privilege.” Bennett’s maturation was the result of a combination of experiences: last summer he had a health scare in New York; he watched his brother Chance The Rapper ascend to the highest peaks of stardom; and then in January this year, he came out as a bisexual rapper to the world.
All of that fed into the making of Restoration Of An American Idol, which features a mix of positive tracks with soulful beats and high aspirations. Plenty of friends pop up on the album: Jeremih, Kyle, Raury, Lil Yachty, and, of course, Chance. When The FADER caught up with Bennett earlier this week, he was skateboarding around town, and you could practically hear his smile over the phone. While running around his hometown and stopping in at a corner store, he spoke about the most important lesson he learned from his mom, his future approach to songwriting, and what people learn about him from this album.

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